Mr. Roy Literature
The Most Dangerous Game by Richard Connell

1) Where are Whitney and Rainsford? 2) Where are they traveling to? 3) How do the crew and captain of the yacht feel about the nearby island? 4) What was the name of the island? 5) What is Rainsford’s attitude towards hunting? How does he feel about animals that are hunted? 6) How are Rainsford’s feelings described as the yacht gets nearer the island? (copy from text) 7) There were no waves in the sea. How is the sea described (page 8)? 8)How is the night described on page 7?

Sanger Rainsford: American big-game hunter and author He shows no pity or sympathy for the animals he hunts. Then, ironically, he himself becomes a hunted animal after he arrives on a mysterious island. General Zaroff: Russian big-game hunter from an aristocratic family. Zaroff is bored with killing typical game such as tigers, elephants, and water buffalo. Instead, he hunts the ultimate trophy animal: man. Ivan: Zaroff's Russian servant and hunting partner.

At the beginning of the story, Rainsford exhibits a hardhearted attitude toward the animals he hunts. His conversation with Whitney aboard the yacht reveals his feelings—or lack of them—about hunting big game: Do you think his attitude towards hunting will change? Why?

What does a good setting provide? A sense of realism. The reader/viewer believes what is happening - Hard to do on paper, because vivid descriptions are necessary. Just as a picture has a foreground and a background, so too does a story. A.The main characters and their actions, which are of greatest interest to the reader, form the foreground. B.The time and place of the events and the circumstances that surround these events form the background, or setting.

Whitney: Great sport, hunting. Rainsford: The best sport in the world. Whitney: For the hunter, not the jaguar. Rainsford: Don't talk rot, Whitney. You're a big-game hunter, not a philosopher. Who cares how a jaguar feels. Whitney: Perhaps the jaguar does. Rainsford: Bah! They’ve no understanding. Whitney: Even so—I rather think they understand one thing—fear. The fear of pain and the fear of death Rainsford: Nonsense. This hot weather is making you soft, Whitney. Be a realist.....


I Have A Dream A Speech by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Testimony Before The Senate A Speech by Michael J. Fox


This story is about two men who hunt for sport - for the fun of it, not for food. They especially enjoy killing large or dangerous animals. The word 'game' can have two meanings for these hunters - a playful contest, or the animals they hunt. As the story begins one of our main characters is aboard a boat. He and another passager are discussing a mysterious nearby island.
'Don't you feel anything? - as if the air about us was actually posionous...'
On August 28, 1963, over 200, 000 people had gathered in Washington, D.C. They wanted Congress to pass a civil rights bill, a law that would give equal rights to all Americans. The crowd stood in front of the Lincoln Memorial as Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., an African American Minister, spoke directly from his heart to the crowd about his dream of freedom, equality, and unity.
'I have a dream today!'
'Mr. Chairman and members of the Subcommittee - thank you for inviting me to speak about the need for more money to pay for Parkinson's research. Perhaps most of you are familiar with me from 20 years of work in film and television. What I wish to speak to you about today has very little to do with being famous. The first time I spoke about my 8 years of experience with Parkinson's, many poeple were surprised. I had hidden my struggles well.'
Student Film

Identify the techniques being used.

Consider what you feel passionate about. What things do you really enjoy doing? DO you feel that people should know more about it? Are there any things that annoy you that you wish you could change?